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"Vulnerability is not weakness; it's our greatest measure of courage." - Brené Brown
I think this statement is a perfect way to help us understand the ideas behind R U OK? DAY which happens every year on September 12th.
It was created as a way to bring awareness and drive conversations around mental illness and suicide prevention. Read the story of how it began here.
It takes courage to ask your friends, families and members of community: "are you okay?" But it takes as much, or even more to answer honestly. This is because we feel vulnerable at the possibility of being judged if we aren't okay, however these conversations when had honestly in communities are extremely important in removing the stigma of mental illness.
Learn more in the infographic below which highlights some of the key facts and statistics around the prevalence of mental illness and how you can get involved on R UOK? DAY. Because, a simple conversation could help turn someone's life around.
If you or someone you know needs urgent support talk to someone you trust or contact a crisis support service, such as Beyond Blue on 1300 22 46 36, Lifeline on 13 11 14, or 000 in an emergency.