Wellbeing is the heartbeat of your school

Life Skills GO, designed in collaboration with educators, is an easy-to-use emotion and wellbeing data collection tool that measures student readiness to learn, supported with a comprehensive library of evidence-based, trauma informed and curriculum-aligned resources

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Evidence based, science backed, trauma informed and curriculum aligned.

Integrated with Canvas, Google Classroom, School Bytes and Sentral.

Give your students voice.

Real-time, rich and actionable insights through dashboards.


Know, see and measure your whole school wellbeing needs

Life Skills GO tracks and measures all of your wellbeing programs in real-time and identifies your schools needs.

Know your students. Identify their needs. Take proactive, preventative action. All from one platform.

Evidence based, science backed, trauma informed & curriculum aligned content

Life Skills GO includes online content for teaching Social, Emotional Learning (SEL) and PDHPE topics, including:

  • 324 digital lessons in 44 units.
  • 200+ downloadable resources, including posters, activity sheets and lesson plans.
  • Video activities including Brain Breaks, Guided Meditation and Mindfulness Exercises

Aligned to the Australian Curriculum addressing General Capabilities of personal and social capability, critical and creative thinking and intercultural understanding as well as the PDHPE syllabus of each state.


Our Impact on Wellbeing


Student Emotion Check-ins recorded this year


Impact Stories


“Students were able to develop the language to express their emotions when dealing with difficult experiences and empathising with others. The practice of relaxation and mindfulness benefited all students, and we will continue to practice in class time.”


Rebecca Melia

Ashfield Public School

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“A highly recommended program for students - particularly in the junior school. It provided the students with practical skills, knowledge and strategies to manage themselves and navigate the world around them. The students were able to engage with abstract emotional and social concepts in a real and meaningful way. All students should complete a program just like this one.”


Pearl Beast

Dandenong South Primary School


“We plan our curriculum to include Life Skills GO lessons at least 1-2x a week with a specific, targeted focus on social and emotional learning. There has been a significant reduction in disruptive behaviour across the school, and an 80% drop in suspensions between 2017 and 2020 which is evidence of the initiatives implemented to address student wellbeing and social and emotional learning.”


Stephanie Giles

Guildford West Public School

read full case study  

“My Kindergarten class developed self regulation and calming skills over the 10 week program. I saw a huge improvement in their ability to implement the calming exercises into class life to improve wellbeing and engagement. I highly recommend the program and its benefits on primary children..”


Rebekah Murray

Hammondville Public School


“It has been a great program for the kids and has been a highlight of their week. We have even written detailed recounts on the life skills sessions. The kids have learnt vital skills to relax and calm themselves. The teachers have been understanding and professional and it has been a great initiative..”


Tim Harrison

Cheltenham East Primary School


"The feedback from the teachers on the emotion regulating tools has been amazing. Being able to hear the students voice through student-lead check-ins and then respond in real time has driven adoption because otherwise our teachers are spending 15 to 20 minutes with two students while the others are trying to do an independent task."

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Stefanie Thom

St John the Apostle Catholic School

read full case study  

Our whole school completes a check-in each morning prior to [when] learning commences, which enables Staff to identify and follow up with any student – this can be the form of a quick chat, or the suggestion of utilising a strategy from their individual ‘ready to learn plan’ to help them regulate, focus and be more prepared to engage in learning. This data has proved highly valuable as we identify trends early and are able to be proactive in our approach to student wellbeing.

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Ilona Watkins

Principal, Noorat Primary School

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In school student wellbeing programs

Specialist Social Emotional Learning teachers supporting your students and your teachers.

Curriculum-aligned, in-school programs by wellbeing experts who teach social, emotional and physical skills with you, as well as developing classroom management skills.

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Teacher and Student Wellbeing Professional Development Programs

Support the teachers, admins and leaders that manage wellbeing in your school with engaging professional learning so they can implement and measure innovative whole-school programs.

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