To build awareness of their social, emotional and physical health and wellbeing, equipping them with skills to take an active role in shaping a positive and shared future.
Our in-school programs have been specifically developed for students in each year level from pre-school and primary, through to secondary school. Life Skills Group teachers demonstrate how learning can be personalised to meet the needs of individual learners and class groups.
Our signature program that encompasses social, emotional and physical learning and life skills.
Outcomes of this interactive and progressive program include:
Healthy Skills for Life may be logged as 6 hours of NESA Elective PD
Suggested descriptors: 1.1.2, 1.3.2, 1.5.2, 4.1.2, 4.2.2, 4.3.2 and 7.3.2
Healthy Skills for Life for Stage 3 to prepare students for high school.
Students develop tools to understand and manage their emotions and physical and social changes through various stages of life. The program also encourages students to be aware of their own and others’ safety, health and wellbeing.
The program combines physical activities and reflective practice. Outcomes include:
“It has been a great program for the kids and has been a highlight of their week. We have even written detailed recounts on the life skills sessions. The kids have learnt vital skills to relax and calm themselves. The teachers have been understanding and professional and it has been a great initiative.”
“The Life Skills Group had an outstanding impact on the children in my class. They are less fidgety and distracted, and much more focused and responsive. I loved they've been given the opportunity to put together a sequence of yoga poses at the end of the program- assessment as learning!”
“Students always looked forward to their next lesson. Students gained many life skills, including social interactions with their peers andhow to manage difficult or challenging situations. Instructor was awesome! She had complete control of the students and created an environment that was both exciting and relaxing for the students. Would love to have this program at our school next year.”