Help them thrive in learning and life

Our non-competitive and curriculum based programs focus on physical, social, emotional and attentional self-regulating skills, developed to cultivate wellbeing, resilience and lifelong learning.

Our school programs have been specifically developed for students in each year level from pre-school and primary, through to secondary school. Life Skills Group teachers demonstrate how learning can be personalised to meet the needs of individual learners and class groups.

The facts about Life Skills Student Programs

Student Programs consist of:

Duration:   40 mins / class

Cost:          $135 / class per lesson

Note: Programs require a minimum of 5 classes per booking. 

All lessons include:

  • Physical activities and game

  • Breathing & relaxation skills

  • Delivery by expert SEL teacher

  • Alignment with PD/HPE curriculum

  • Interaction with teachers and classmates (For maximum benefit classes of 30 students is best, with a cap at 40.)

  • 14 days FREE access to Life Skills GO, with downloadable resources for teachers to take back to their own lessons

Benefits include

  • Improve your students' concentration, communication, listening, resilience, confidence and self-regulation skills
  • Improve your students balance, spatial awareness & motor skills
  • Aligns with PD/HPE curriculum
  • Family members are welcome to join in
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Wellbeing Day


Prioritise whole-school wellbeing with a wellbeing day! Each class participates in a 40 minute lesson led by one of our expert SEL teachers focusing on gratitude. 

The Wellbeing Day program also includes 14 days FREE access to Life Skills GO, with downloadable resources for teachers to take back to their own lessons.

Duration: One day

Price: $135 / class per lesson

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Wellbeing Week

Wellbeing Week

Bring a Wellbeing Week to your school! 
We have our specialist SEL teachers ready to visit your school to run social emotional and physical lessons with your students. Fit in as many 40 minute sessions as you like during your Wellbeing Week. These can be arranged as multiple sessions for a single class, or single sessions across several classes/whole school - the choice is yours. You’ll also have the opportunity to nominate your preferred SEL theme for the week.

Duration: 40 minutes per session

Price $135 per session


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4 Week Back-to-School Transition


Assist your students with the transition from home to school. Our 4-week Back to School Transition helps students manage emotions and rebuild key social skills. This program focuses on key SEL topics to support students in adapting to the changes and disruption. A 14-day free trial of our online platform Life Skills GO allows you to conduct daily check-ins on your students' wellbeing, with additional resources to continue teaching SEL. The four week program includes:

  • Respect
  • Teamwork
  • Resilience
  • Courage

Duration: 1 lesson per week, for four weeks 

Price: $135 / class per lesson

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Student Wellbeing Program


Our popular in-school programs Healthy Skills For Life / Tools For Transition are going online via Zoom to bring all of your students together, whether learning from home or on-site. See the benefits of consistent, long-term wellbeing focus in students applying social emotional learning and transforming ability to identify and regulate their own emotions. 

The Student Wellbeing Program also includes 14 days FREE access to Life Skills GO, with downloadable resources for teachers to take back to their own lessons.

Duration: 6, 8 or 10 week student wellbeing programs

Price: $135/class per lesson

Guildford West Public School enjoyed their first sessions - see their post on our Facebook Page

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"Our students are able to use the strategies and methods taught in the lessons of mindfulness, breathing, relaxation, self control; particularly when in stressful playground situations, anxiety management, values and movement in different contexts. We use Life Skills every day after lunch, and it has enormous benefit and enables our students to refocus attention and recenter themselves. They have told me that they sometimes use these strategies to help them fall asleep at night and often cope with annoying siblings."

-Teacher, Madang Ave Public School

Healthy Skills For Life Signature Program

Our signature program that encompasses social, emotional and physical learning and life skills.

Outcomes of this interactive and progressive program include:

  • Increased self esteem, self image, resilience and confidence
  • Improved balance, spacial awareness and motor skills
  • An understanding of values, personal qualities and emotional responses
  • Enhanced concentration, communication, negotiation and listening skills
  • Improved strength, flexibility and endurance
  • Identifying behaviours that impact on mental and physical activities
  • Teamwork, tactics and strategic skills built though team games and group work

Healthy Skills for Life may be logged as 8 hours of NESA Elective PD

Suggested descriptors: 1.1.2, 1.3.2, 1.5.2, 4.1.2, 4.2.2, 4.3.2 and 7.3.2 



Building Resilience and Managing Anxiety During Times of Change

Focused on Building Resilience and Managing Anxiety
during times of change, this program will give your students a voice in a safe learning space to practice social emotional skills, giving them an opportunity to connect, grow and flourish, to move positively forward from challenging circumstances.

  • Practice expressing themselves.
  • Reconnect with their friends.
  • Participate in physical cooperative games.
  • Practice self-regulation skills.
  • Increase understanding of how to manage emotions and make positive choices.
  • By the end of the program, students will recognise their strengths, be able to self-regulate, and know where to seek help if needed. 

Yoga To Go Kids Fundamental Movement Program

Students learn and apply positive physical fitness skills through a range of visual and auditory stimuli and movement exercises.

The program develops fundamental movement skills. Outcomes include:

  • Increased concentration, coordination and energy levels
  • Improved balance, posture and natural flexibility
  • The ability to recognise the rights, values and feelings of others.
  • Accepting differences and managing conflict
  • Relaxation and mindfulness techniques
  • Teamwork, tactics and strategic skills built though team games and group work
  • Increased knowledge of how physical activity contributes to a healthy and active lifestyle
  • Decreased stress and anxiety, enhanced health and wellbeing


Mindfulness In Action Self-regulation and focused attention

In a series of interactive, progressive lessons, students develop their self-awareness and increase impulse control, focus and empathy. Mindfulness in Action utilises scientifically proven mindfulness techniques, effective pedagogical practices, and cross-sectional research in cognitive affective neuroscience to teach students to pay attention to their experiences in a non-reactive way.

This kinesthetic program combines visual and auditory stimuli with physical movement exercises. Outcomes include:

  • Increased self-discipline, self-regulation and self-responsibility
  • Improved confidence, resilience and respectful behaviour techniques
  • Stronger interpersonal communication skills
  • Improved emotional response to physical change and peers
  • Increased balance, posture and natural flexibility
  • Increased empathy and understanding of others


Tools for Transition Stage 3 - prepare for high school

Healthy Skills for Life for Stage 3 to prepare students for high school.

Students develop tools to understand and manage their emotions and physical and social changes through various stages of life. The program also encourages students to be aware of their own and others’ safety, health and wellbeing.

The program combines physical activities and reflective practice. Outcomes include:

  • Improved concentration, listening and negotiation skills
  • Increased understanding of physical and mental health and wellbeing
  • Stronger self esteem and the ability to create positive relationships and opportunities
  • Relaxation and mindfulness techniques
  • Useful problem solving and decision-making skills
  • Positive participation in teams by encouraging others and negotiating roles and responsibilities
  • Enhanced recognition of how emotion influences behaviour


Our Impact


“Students were able to develop the language to express their emotions when dealing with difficult experiences and empathising with others. The practice of relaxation and mindfulness benefited all students, and we will continue to practice in class time.”

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Rebecca Meila,

Ashfield Public School

read full case study  

“It has been a great program for the kids and has been a highlight of their week. We have even written detailed recounts on the life skills sessions. The kids have learnt vital skills to relax and calm themselves. The teachers have been understanding and professional and it has been a great initiative.”

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Tim Harrison,

Cheltenham East Primary School

read full case study  

"With it being such a stressful year for both students and teachers, I feel all my students have learnt the value of calming their emotions in an easy way. I love the deep breathing exercise they do sitting on the mats with their hands on their chests. They really do the deep breathing. They are all focused and engaged, every single one of them. Listening and understanding values have help some of my students. They have a better understanding of self worth and they are treating themselves and their peers much better. They are able to regulate their feelings in an easy way."

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Karen Watkins,

Year 4-5 Teacher, Madang Ave Public School


“The Life Skills Group had an outstanding impact on the children in my class. They are less fidgety and distracted, and much more focused and responsive. I loved they've been given the opportunity to put together a sequence of yoga poses at the end of the program- assessment as learning!”

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Beauty Point Public School

read full case study  

“Students always looked forward to their next lesson. Students gained many life skills, including social interactions with their peers andhow to manage difficult or challenging situations. Instructor was awesome! She had complete control of the students and created an environment that was both exciting and relaxing for the students. Would love to have this program at our school next year.”

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Aspendale Gardens Primary School

read full case study  

"The Life Skill Program encourages students to be calm and reflective - to be aware of how they feel and how best to deal with their emotions."

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Kate McCormick,

St Thomas More Primary School

read full case study  
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