What real-time, actionable data are you using to identify, measure, report, and respond to the wellbeing needs of your school?

The Federal Government Student Wellbeing Boost gives you an opportunity to use grant funding to ensure your wellbeing efforts have the optimum chance of success.


But with so many options, how do you know what’s right for you?


From our 15+ years of Australian school wellbeing experience we’ve have built a product hand in hand with schools: Life Skills GO (GO) is an easy-to-use emotion and wellbeing data collection tool that measures student readiness to learn with quality resources and adaptive digital lessons.


How does it work?

  • It analyses student data in real-time at an individual, class, stage and school level providing succinct analysis in simple reports and customisable dashboards

  • This means educators make data-informed decisions about wellbeing programs across the school and what support is required for individual students

  • The wellbeing data trends, such as readiness to learn, can then be triangulated with attendance, behaviour and academic outcomes as part of a whole school wellbeing strategy.

  • GO generates whole school and stage reports weekly, fortnightly, and 5 weekly providing actionable insights for immediate interventions, wider strategic wellbeing plans and communication with all stakeholders, inside and outside the school.

  • The individual learner profiles can then be used to support differentiated learning, reasonable adjustments, support access requests, evaluate the impact of strategies in place and draw on data for formative evaluation of programs.


Enable student voice so no one is missed - Real-time data, with a customisable emotion check-in

  • Individual student accounts can be customised to the emotional literacy level of the user, creating a personalised online environment for empowering student voice

  • Psychologically safe data collection of student wellbeing data and context leads to richer data, improved student/teacher relationships, and a wider sense of belonging is fostered


Deliver data-informed wellbeing practices in just a few clicks - Dynamic insights, metrics and dashboards

  • Real-time displays of student emotions, context such as online, playground and in the classroom mean you identify the most important students and parts of the school that need wellbeing support, in addition to monitoring student readiness to learn

  • Dashboards are dynamic and customisable allowing for educators to easily access the right information at the right time so everyone can make informed actions to support students based on their real needs


Easily identify the most important wellbeing issues - Automated reporting for your meetings and community communication

  • Periodic reports (weekly, fortnightly, 5 weekly, termly, semesterly and annually) are generated for class, stage, school and individual students. These reports analyse the patterns and trends of student emotion check-ins and surface insights for educators so you have the data at your fingertips

  • This data can easily be embedded in strategic planning, evidence against School Excellence and Wellbeing Frameworks and as part of whole school processes such as Learning Support Team and stage meetings


Respond to the real needs of your students - Lesson plans and digital lesson content accurately assigned based on their wellbeing status

  • Over 500 stage-based digital lessons, mapped to the state & Australian curriculums and accompanied by printable lesson plans organised into units of work including a library of 200+ printable resources

  • Extensive additional resources such as activity cards and posters plus adaptive self-regulation, cognitive behaviour therapy & mindfulness video activities. All content is evidence-based and trauma-informed.


Report on academic progress and wellbeing impact simultaneously - Formative assessment

  • Digital lesson content - including quizzes, videos, games and interactive content is mapped to the State & Australian curriculums, providing classroom teachers and executives real-time understanding of student progress and aptitude.

All of this, and more is possible with Life Skills GO

Book a demo today and make the most of the Student Wellbeing Boost


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